Basic Design. LLC
Reuse... Renew... Redesign.
An Insured Company
Grand Strand and
South Strand of South Carolina

My​ Story...​
Growing up our family was healthy, happy and thankful. My younger years were uneventful, my high school years, like every one else, were full of sports, books and pizza!
My years in college are where the magic happened. I realized personal responsibility, the ability to work hard and my passion for design. The way colors compliment each other and texture adds flavor! The way space planning allows for functionality and movement within a room. The way the beauty of interior design can affect a person, a family and a business.
After working in a wide range of design jobs acquiring skills like project planning and implementation, ordering and specifying, account management, inventory control, department organization, salesmanship, customer care, I returned home to care for a family of my own.
Being a stay at home mom, I began to re-design and re-purpose ....alot....over and over again! I found a practical avenue to interior design that is both beautiful and affordable.
I came back to my roots and began to use my talents in my own space, my own family, and now my own business. I find great joy in helping others create a home....
not a house that you work on....but a home that works for you.
My Credentials...
Concentration in Housing and Interiors,
Minor in Business Administration.
Carpets By Direct in North Carolina...Sales Associate and Builder Consultant helping clients of builders choose interior selections for newly built homes.
Boone Decorative Fabrics in North Carolina...Sales Associate and Buyer's Assistant purchasing and filling orders for fabric supporting eleven store fronts.
Norman's of Salisbury in North Carolina...Assistant to Director of Marketing and Merchandising Designer developing marketing strategies and directing the execution through fabric selection, product design, sample production, showroom design and layout.
Teri Thomas and Beverly Allen Interiors in North Carolina ...Design Assistant and Office Manager assisting in floor plan layouts for residential design, ordering and office management.
Integra International, Inc. in South Carolina ...Sample/Inventory Department Manager re-structured and maintained sample and fabric inventory for national shipping venue. Customer Service Manager in National Sales being a knowledgeable source of information for customers from the west coast to the east coast. Process custom fabric from artwork to printing. Maintaining the best working relationships with vendors and customers to provide and increase sales and service.
Basic Design, LLC in South Carolina...owner and designer creating beautiful and functional spaces through the strategy of renewing and re-purposing existing furnishing.